A few fast and effective ways to declutter your mind…


When do you know you should have a clear out?

Do you ever get that feeling of overwhelm? That feeling when your brain is just going to POP with stuff and nothing is making it go away. There was a time in my life when my brain was so full of stuff such as emotions and things to do that panic and anxiety hit me full on in the face. I suddenly stopped coping and couldn’t seem to get anything done, it was like being in a vicious cycle whirling out of control. Luckily for me I discovered life coaching and hypnotherapy and was able to take some time out to get off the cycle and re-evaluate my life. The first thing I had to do was de-clutter my mind which allowed me to see clearly again and think straight, it really did feel like cleaning a very dirty window and suddenly seeing a beautiful view that you didn’t even knew existed.  Here are some of my top tips to help your de-clutter your mind and have a view again:

  • Schedule yourself time for a brain dump. Get yourself pen and paper and sit somewhere quiet and just write down every single thought, feeling and emotion that comes into your brain. Write down everything you need to do and want to do and if nothing comes just write that. Try closing your eyes and take some slow deep breaths to help you relax and that may start your brain whirring.
  • Once you have everything out of your brain and onto paper its time to start prioritising. Mark stuff that’s urgent and important as top priority and work down from there. Try using a scale of 1-10 with 10 being high important and urgent and 1 being not urgent or important. What can you bin on your list? Only work with one list that incorporates work and life, that will really help with your work life balance.
  • Try and write your thoughts and things to do down as often as you can, ideally as you are thinking about them. The sooner you get these down the easier and quicker your mind will rest. Carry with you a pen and paper or use a to do list on your phone.
  •  Have a note book by your bed, but if you are anything like me this will be the best thing you will ever do. If your brain seems to ping on as soon as you switch your light off, then have a go at writing those thoughts down then and there. You will be amazed at how quickly you master the art of writing legibly in the dark, and you will sleep a whole lot better.
  • Call in the experts, if you are really struggling to make the first move or change the habits of a life time then coaching or hypnotherapy could be the answer for you. This will allow you time to focus just on you, your thoughts, your actions and behaviours and help you find the way forward that works just for you.

Watch out for my collaboration with http://www.facebook.com/yourspacesorted who will provide you with top tips to declutter your home.

contact me at info@danielastones.co.uk or visit http://www.danielastones.co.uk for more information

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